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Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Rudong Datong quilting Machinery Factory

Company address: Dayu Town, Rudong County, Jiangsu province.
Technical support:15962820000 (Chairman)
135 8461 8461

Sales Tel:139 0627 1251Chairman
159 6299 9000Chairman
159 6282 0000Chairman
135 8461 3186     
138 6193 8502

After-sale service:0513-8425 2315
Online QQ:  344593112    909767684
Enterprise email: info@syhfj.com

You are here: Home > Loosening carding machine series

Cross Machine Cutting machine

To fold and pave the mesh after cardingevenly into certain width and thickness.Then transfer it to next procedureafter pressurization.All paving aprons are driven separately for easyadjustment.The reciprocal commutation is controlled by frequency conversion.Accordingto the required length of high speed cutting.

Sales Hotline:
0513-84508001 84508070
24-Hour Hotline:
13906271251 15962999000 24-Hour Hotline:15962820000 13706271858

Product Details


To fold and pave the mesh after cardingevenly into certain width and thickness.Then transfer it to next procedureafter pressurization.All paving aprons are driven separately for easyadjustment.The reciprocal commutation is controlled by frequency conversion.Accordingto the required length of high speed cutting.


Inputapron width:1700 mm

Outputapron width:2700 mm

Lappingspeed:<45 m/min


Copyright ? 2018 Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Company address:Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
After-sale service:0513-84252315
QQ:344593112 909767684
  • 159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    139 0627 1251
    159 6299 9000
    159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    138 6193 8502
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