
Welcome to Nantong Sanyuan Computer Quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.

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Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Rudong Datong quilting Machinery Factory

Company address: Dayu Town, Rudong County, Jiangsu province.
Technical support:15962820000 (Chairman)
135 8461 8461

Sales Tel:139 0627 1251Chairman
159 6299 9000Chairman
159 6282 0000Chairman
135 8461 3186     
138 6193 8502

After-sale service:0513-8425 2315
Online QQ:  344593112    909767684
Enterprise email: info@syhfj.com

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Author: ComeFrom: Date:2018/11/15 14:02:47 Hits:1170
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Copyright ? 2018 Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Company address:Nantong three Yuan computer quilting Machinery Co., Ltd.
After-sale service:0513-84252315
QQ:344593112 909767684
  • 159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    139 0627 1251
    159 6299 9000
    159 6282 0000
    135 8461 3186
    138 6193 8502
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